Getting back on topic, why did I O.P this thread baby talk?
Well as Witnesses our " baby talk" was the voice of our untrained conscience. Sadly our untrained conscience had its morals set by the Watchtower.
Then we join here, and many for the first time:-
A) learn to speak by there own moral standards,
B) They find there our own believe system,
and right or wrong we are suddenly no longer involved with " baby talk". However for many of us it's the first time we have expressed " independent thinking" which is something the Watchtower asked us to avoid at all costs. Therefore it is with practice and understanding from fellow posters, that we develop our own moral conscience, and our own belief system.
This obviously results in us finding a new direction in life. Could there be a more worthwhile past time than positively assisting each other in this regard?
The Rebel.